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Board Meeting

1.     Call Meeting to Order.

2.     Approval of Meeting Minutes

a.     March 22,2012 (NEED Signatures)

b.     Special meeting April 4, 2012 

3.     Approval of Accounts Payable  (White and Jankowski

4.     Update on the Status of the YJWCD Feasibility Study

a.     Appointment of B&G as project manager

5.     Long Range Planning Discussion

6.     Executive Session:  Upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Commissioners, the Board will adjourn to executive session pursuant to C.R.S. §§ 24-6-402(4)(b) and (e) to confer with its attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice on a specific legal question and determining positions relative to matters subject to negotiations.

a.     Status of Appeal

                                                    i.     Stipulation C Lazy S Ranch and CCALT

                                                   ii.     Amici Upper Ark Water Con. Dist

                                                  iii.     Livingston/Elk Crk Ranch brief filed

                                                 iv.     Timing

                                                   v.     Livingston action/stipulation

7.     Return to public meeting.

8.     Organizational matters.

Place of business - DOLA Registration

Checking accounts


Appointment of new directors (Oct. 2012 Next meeting?)

9.     New Business.

a.     Information re New Initiatives # 3 and 45

10.  Next meeting Date.

a.     Place / time / frequency

11.  Adjourn